Monday, January 02, 2006

September 7, 2005: Addendum / Historical Curiosity


So, I've always found it peculiar how frequently minor historical personalities share their names with people I know. Case in point, browsing the (excellent) Washington State historical materials online, I came across John Hendrik Reid (1873-1960), who "came to the United States as a 4-year-old, was orphaned twice, and overcame a harsh, lonely boyhood to create a full, rich life as a Seattle newspaper publisher, civic activist, and paterfamilias of a large, close family." Lacking an accurate photo, I illustrate with a picture of Dr. John Reid, British Secretary of State for Defense. Close enough. And I note the following, courtesy of the elder Mr. Reid's biographer: "And then there was Miss Carrie Deming, his first schoolteacher. 'She was the first person in my life to plant the seeds of love and affection ... she taught courtesy, good manners, respect for others, morals and right living,' John Reid wrote in his autobiography, Adopted by the United States."

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