Friday, January 20, 2006

Wednesday, December 14, 2005: Mr. Johnson's Tender Revue

Dcfc0009_6Despite feeling a bit under the weather, Carrie was intent on seeing her friend Melanie Valera of Tender Forever (pictured) perform at Arthouse Designs. Unfortunately, she usually plays weekend shows, and Carrie has to work.  I'm rather a fan of Melanie's myself, as I mentioned earlier, and very pleased we made it.  Especially because this was her "record release party."  Or at least a simulacrum thereof, as she was selling copies on the road.

Dcfc0008_11Apparently, a couple of the original opening acts either couldn't make it, or couldn't perform.  So instead, Andy McCloud put on a puppet show, entitled Pinochle & Pistachio, which featured a series of popsicle-stick puppets singing silly songs.  I found it very amusing, especially the green drunk with a long red nose.

Dcfc0011_6It was a bit too dark to get a good shot during the show proper.  But here's Andy putting away the puppets after the program...

Dcfc0012_8...and here's a better picture of him.

Dcfc0016_4Someone kindly provided homemade cupcakes for the audience, which Carrie proclaimed "excellent."  After polishing off two.  Here's Warren, enjoying a cupcake of his own.  The expression on his face surely reflects the quality of the confection he's enjoying.

Dcfc0010_10Nicholas Taplin was also at the show, taking pictures as usual.  His camera's a lot better than mine (no great feat, really), a fact driven home to me by the fact that he could take pictures without a flash when I couldn't get a thing.  The time for an upgrade is nigh.

Dcfc0024_3Calvin Johnson, the owner of K Records, opened for Melanie.  They'd just come back from a US tour, her first experience of fly-over America, and Calvin recounted several episodes from their adventures while gently strumming his guitar.  He was quite funny in a low-key way.  I've been K Records and Calvin Johnson fan for over a decade now, but haven't seen him perform for ages.  I think the last time was with the Halo Benders at the Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco.  Probably 10 years ago.  So it was a real treat to see him perform. 

Dcfc0047_2In addition to the stories, he also played several songs.  Including a Dusty Springfield cover, Just a Little Lovin'.  You can see a Vidster video of another song here.

Dcfc0070Melanie was also excellent, albeit in a rather more animated way.  The "band" Tender Forever consists (essentially) of just her.  And the instumentation is nearly as limited: a keyboard or guitar accompanied by a CD, with Melanie singing.  Often, it's just the CD, sort of Karaoke-style.  Rather like Momus, actually.  In any case, she really gets into the performance, dancing around the room right along with her audience, bouncing about like a superball.  Calvin noted that in North Carolina she'd managed to stage-dive without a stage, a notable feat indeed.  Although she's small enough to make it at least feasible.  She too told quite a few stories, in a thick, but quite comprehensible French accent.  I knew many of the songs, as I'd gotten them from her website.  But after the program I got her debut LP, silkscreen cover designed by Carrie's friend Jean (as with the CD).  I shot some video of Melanie as well, but the (only) unfortunate consequence of her vigorous dancing was that she was rarely directly in the lights.  And the Vidster don't like ambient lighting.  So the visuals are a bit on the minimal side.  Still, there's a short video available here.  It's unusual in that Melanie's playing the guitar rather than the keyboard, apparently a newfound skill?  I was impressed.

Dcfc0071_1The balloons were in keeping with the festive theme.  So I close with Carrie's photo of her friend Lindsay, sitting rather forlornly on the far side of the room.  No worries.  She was just taking a cupcake break, I think.  In any case, we left a tad early, owing to general fatigue.  So I topped off at home with a listen to the new LP.

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