Friday, January 20, 2006

Carnival (of Souls)

Polaroidizone300_445So, what follows is my entry in the Instapundit-sponsored Carnival of Digital Cameras.  It's the first weblog-carnival I've attempted to participate in, and I hope the format is correct.  In any case, all of the following photographs were taken with a Polaroid iZone 300.  It's a 3.2 megapixel cheapie you can pick up at Target, &c.  Its charming appearance pretty well exhausts its merits.  Still, I found that sufficient to purchase it.  Should you choose to buy one, expect unpredictable exposures, an inordinately long "shutter" speed, iffy focus, and a tendency to either blow out or underexpose anything not 5-8 feet from the flash.  Shoot, that sounds pretty negative.  Um, it really is a fun little camera, don't get me wrong.  Anyway, this is a selection of some of the better photos I've taken with it in the last six weeks.  I've kept the captions short.  Hope the photos are of interest.

Dcfc0001_19My girlfriend Carrie Deming took this picture of me in the early evening, shortly after I had three wisdom teeth removed.

Dcfc0002_8Carrie's friend Tracy Eisenhower with cigarette and coffee, on her way to work at King Solomon's Reef, my favorite greasy spoon diner in downtown Olympia, Washington.

Dcfc0004_15Carrie drinking a truly execrable cup of coffee in the Eastern Bakery, the "oldest Chinese bakery in San Francisco."  I'm not sure I like their lotus cakes as much as President Clinton professed to.  But still, they're pretty good.

Dcfc0005_10Carrie throws a strike at Westside Lanes in Olympia.

Dcfc0007_7Carrie waits for her slice at Old School Pizzeria in downtown Olympia.

Dcfc0019_6Carrie skipping stones at Barefoot Park on Puget Sound, northeast of Olympia.

Dcfc0026_1Carrie talking to her friend Matt at Dumpster Values, an excellent and very inexpensive vintage clothing store in downtown Olympia, above which Carrie has an art studio.

Dcfc0035_4My brother, Michael Frye, hiding behind a floral centerpiece from Aaron Faust's post-wedding party.

Dcfc0036_3Here's Justin, bustling about the kitchen.  He's a sous-chef at The Mark, the swanky restaurant & bar in downtown Olympia where Carrie's a server.  You can spy her in the background, also hard at work.

Dcfc0064_2Carrie, experimenting with optics at Galapagos Art Space (and bar) in Brooklyn, on the owner Robert Elmes's birthday.

Mirror_selfportraitMe in Carrie's studio, killing time as she tidies up.

ShuffleboardJosh, one of my co-clerks from the Temple of Justice (i.e. the Washington Supreme Court), playing "shuffleboard" at the Brotherhood in downtown Olympia.  He works for Justice Owens, I work for Justice Sanders.

WindowOn a chilly winter afternoon Carrie and I took a fieldtrip to the Asian grocery on the Westside.  She got a box of Pocky, and I got ginger candies.  My favorite.

Dcfc0010_8Carrie took this photo through the peephole of our apartment, anticipating an unwelcome visit from the landlady.

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