Friday, January 20, 2006

Thursday, December 1, 2005: Wisdom or Prudence?

Dcfc0001_19Today's an occasion of some moment.  For me at least.  After an exceptionally unfortunate bout of extended gum infection on my lower left wisdom tooth last year, and an inordinately long wait to get the damn thing extracted, I resolved to finally get the lot of them out.  I wouldn't bother, but the delay was just torture.  I'd rather go through it all at once, than take my chances on the rest being ok.  And today was the day.  We were up at 7am for an 8:15 appointment.  I was to be put under for the first time in my life, and couldn't have my customary coffee.  When the doctor got me in the chair, he asked me to show how wide I could open my mouth, then joked I wouldn't remember the question.  Obviously, he was wrong.  But that's about all I remember.  I woke up about an hour & a half later, Carrie waiting by the table.  I think the nurses were getting a bit impatient with me.  Apparently I slept rather longer than expected.  Guess I've been going without.  My mouth was packed with bloody gauze, which I had to change quite a few times.  But strangely, it didn't really hurt that much.  We made a quick trip to the store to get some yoghurt drinks and movies, and then went home.  I fell asleep shortly after we returned home.  Carrie hung out 'till she had to go to work, and snapped this picture when I woke up.  I tried to work a bit, with limited success.  But all told, felt pretty good.  Later that night it started to snow, and I decided to take a walk and get some air.  Here you can see a video clip
of the snowflakes swirling about me.

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