Monday, January 02, 2006

Sunday, September 18, 2005: Surrogate Roommate Theme Songs

Dcfc0010Ok, so another late morning.  Er, afternoon.  But only barely.  So, the plan was to go to the countryside and see some of that beautiful Washington scenery I've been hearing about.  But seeing as Carrie was due to a work meeting at 6:30, the scenery in question had to be pretty darn close.  And we weren't in a big hurry to get there, anyway.  And there were errands to run first, too.  Carrie had to publicize her looming birthday party (Tuesday night!).  So we started with a visit to the ramshackle house where of her good friend Christopher Brown, et al.  Where she's the designated "surrogate roommate," owing to frequent occupancy.  But when we got there to distribute the flyers, Jim started disputing the longevity of such a status, especially because Carrie hadn't been about for awhile.  So she decided to make amends by composing special theme music for each roommate, leaning heavily on the hyper-cheesy sounds of the early-90s vintage keyboard in the living room.
Dcfc0007Jim seemed pretty ok with Carrie's attempt to cement her status.  Or maybe he just liked his theme song.  In any case, he said he'd give CB the invite.  And regretted that he wouldn't be able to make it to the party himself.
Dcfc0012Then Carrie did an impromptu puppet show with JIm's serial-killer mask.  No wait.  It was for something to do with haircutting.  But it still looks like a prop from a Georges Franju film.  Cue the doves and scalpel, please!

Dcfc0019So, eventually we got around to the scenery bit.  In the form of a visit to a pretty little park north of Olympia.  Sylvia had recommended Mount Eleanor.  Which looks pretty nice, actually.  Maybe next weekend.  We went for Puget Sound and skipping stones.  Which I always enjoy.  The forest up here is a lot lusher than in California, and the redwoods look different.  And then you step out of the foresty gloom onto the beach.  It's really quite lovely. 
Dcfc0022The rocks weren't notably well-suited to skipping.  Tended toward the spherical, rather than flat.  But we managed to get them to hop a ways once in awhile anyhow.  We left after an hour or so of skipping stones and watching the boats in the sound.  Carrie left for her work meeting, and I (reluctantly) got to work on some outstanding projects.  Including the film festival, and that damn review.  And made a shamefully miniscule degree of progress.
Dcfc0001_1So at 10 I left for Yes Yes to meet Bridget and see a show.  Band called Nudity, headed by a friend of hers who is also a projectionist at the Capitol Theater.  Pictured here playing a sitar.  The band was really great, and I'm kicking myself for not bringing the recorder.  Sort of a wall of sound Velvet Underground-y thing going on.  And they all wore these funky Indian shirts.  Completing the 60's groove.  Carrie showed up right around the end of the show, and we went to get a drink at the Brotherhood.
Dcfc0008_1_1Here's a chiaroscuro shot of her in the booth (no flash is not the strongpoint of the new camera, unfortunately...).  Jacob was there playing pool, and he bought each of us a drink, which was exceptionally nice of him.  They've gotten familiar with me there to the point that I don't have to ask for what I want anymore.  So long as I want a Mirror Pond IPA .  It's a little distressing that I'm so predictable.  But it's certainly convenient.  Why fix what works?
Dcfc0011_1We stayed on the late side.  And ran into Carrie's friend Jessica, pictured here.  She seemed very nice, but no real conversation...  Maybe next time.

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