Friday, January 20, 2006

On The Subject

I feel that it is only fair that I get to post one entry about a certain Brian Frye. Let me say this dear readers I never expected to have my own fanzing or my own personal paparazzi or however you say it. Over the past few months Brian has been recovering from law school quite nicely: at least he has stopped grinding his teeth and has started dancing again. Getting to drive a car by himself though is a different matter completly...I sort of feel the day that pigs fly will be the day Brian hits the open road. He is a constant buzz of busy but I suspect that insn't rare for him. Twice a week I have to remind him that he's not in New York anymore and that life here is a little slower and smaller. He enjoys the produce, wandering through the country side and well his collection of 78's is growing I suspect more now that his record player has finally arrived. I'm not sure how he feels about the rain but I hate it. When he is not working on a reveiw or for Judge Sanders whom I have not met but always picture him like Colonel Sanders...we adventure off like two eight year olds complete with our own language and hand signs. I have to go I'm going to be late and I'm sneaking this already...more to come.

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