Friday, January 20, 2006

Sunday, October 16, 2005: Bartleby the Hitman

Dcfc0001_9A "goal-oriented" Sunday.  First "goal" being to get out of bed.  Second being to buy a bunch of crap at Target.  I still find the size of these stores rather overwhelming.  But going to the Target is always funny, because Carrie worked there for awhile not that long ago.  And so still recognizes and chats with several people every time we go.  Later that evening, it was off to the movies.  Carrie wanted to see A History of Violence, the new Cronenberg film with Viggo Mortensen.  So we did.  And I'm really glad, because it was just great.  A remarkably minimal, ultra=slow paced film that snapped into super-violence every once in awhile, and then stopped cold again.  Looks like a lot of pointy-headed types are (predictably) casting it as some kind of social commentary.  I call baloney.  It's a psychological study of sorts, but all from the outside.  It never pretends to speak for the characters, but only shows what they do.  Bresson would have liked it, I think.  Melville perhaps even more so.  In any case, I was impressed.  Afterward, we went for a double-feature to the new Tim Burton film The Corpse Bride.  Which was a real turkey.  We actually walked out long before the end.  And both felt like we should've left a lot earlier.  It's amazing how asinine a bad animation can be.  But this was just torture.
Dcfc0004_6Afterward, we left the car at the capitol parking lot, and walked home.  Carrie wore the new, green coat she bought at Target.  It was charming and so was she.

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