Friday, January 20, 2006

“A Young Whig” More Popular Than Goldman Sachs!

SpitzerWell, almost.  And kinda.  Anyway, the Wall Street Journal (&c.) reports that the independent research New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer arm-twisted Wall Street investment banks to provide in 2003 is less popular with investors than Spitzer predicted.  A lot less popular.  Apparently, Goldman Sachs has spent $8 million presenting independent research on the web.  And has attracted 408-722 "unique visitors" a month!  I sure hope that's some crackerjack independent research.  Because it cost about $500 per visitor.  Now, I'm maybe averaging a bit less than that.  But still, at that rate A Young Whig would be worth at least $412,000.  Not bad for 3 months work.  What sayeth Mr. Spitzer?  "No comment."  But hey, it's the thought that counts.

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