Friday, January 20, 2006

Chewing Straws

Dcfc0014Blowing a Bubble: Download DCFC0014.AVI

My brother and I were given these toys as we traveled from the upper peninsula of Michigan all the way down to Texas. The challenge was seeing who could blow the biggest bubble in the fiercest wind facing the blows head one can imagine the way you could win was by mending the fastest. Often times we would blow through two tubes or more (anything to keep us playing Michael Jackson in the cassette player for the umpteenth time) often we were left high not just from the lack of oxygen but also the horrible toxic fumes we breathed in. After awhile my brother and i discovered that with these balloons ( a ploy we both knew to keep us quiet) we could build sculptures...there were many caves explored in that trip including one where actual bugs would pick off the remains of meat from road kill and the locals would make jewelry out of the bones. I'm completely off the subject but the same day we found out about the bugs was the same day we made about 12 replicas of the Eiffel Tower and maybe 5 replicas of the leaning Tower of Pisa by sticking together these plastic balloons.  After awhile we would make grandiose chandeliers but of course in true brother and sister fashion competing against each other... What you will see in the film is the bare bones of the beginning of a chandelier. I had forgotten about that trip until Brian showed me what he had filmed. Also it was surprising that Brian some how knew to get this toy for me.

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