Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday, October 7, 2005: An Old-Fashioned Man About Town...

Dcfc0007_5So, Carrie's working the crystal booth at the farmer's market today instead of Thursday.  And I wanted to visit.  But my bike's "broken."  Er, it has a flat.  Which I never seem to get around to fixing.  Even though it takes all of five minutes.  And I would do it, but when I went to the hyper-world-conscious bike store downtown and bought a couple tubes, then asked for a cheap pump, the guy looked at me like I spit on the floor.  Apparently they don't sell cheap pumps.  Only top quality stuff, b/c they they don't want to peddle crap.  Ok, so that's a sentiment I follow.  And they guy was really nice, actually.  Encouraged me to come in and use their tools anytime, &c.  But I just can't justify spending more on my pump than my bike.  (i.e. $60 pump and $50 bike).  Which means I can only fix my tire between 9 and 6.  When I'm working.  And why do I need the Rolex pump anyway?  They're $5 in NYC!!!!  And they work fine.  Ok.  So I guess Olympia really ain't NYC.  But for relaxation, here's a crystal shot from the booth.  I was amusing myself while relieving Carrie.
Dcfc0010_4And here's another.  I've got no opinion on the crystals, &c.  But they look good in the camera, that's for sure.  Like a kaleidoscope.  I'm actually tempted to pick up a few, for special purposes...
Dcfc0012_3And here you see how Carrie caught me minding the booth.
Dcfc0013_5After work, I went out for drinks at the Mark with all the other law clerks, in anticipation of the Washington State Bar Exam results coming out.  Of course, the NY results aren't due for awhile yet.  November, to be precise.  But who am I to say no to a celebration.  And *spoiler* they all did fine.  Hope I can say the same!  Anyway, I didn't pick the Mark either.  Though no complaints.  We were there for awhile.  And I drank old-fashioneds.  My new drink of choice.  I must say, I love the fact that Herbert Asbury edited the reissue of the book including the earliest recorded version of the drink...
Dcfc0001_8I went home to work for awhile.  Then returned to collect Carrie from the Mark after work.  We went out for a few minutes to Ben Moore's.  Then ran home laughing.  I tried to get a picture.  But you really had to be there.  You just can't catch that feeling in a camera.  Even a digital one.  Or maybe especially.

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