Friday, January 20, 2006

Listen, Netizen!

I've long been a fan of Pittsburgh's "late, lamented" Orgone Cinema, piloted by Greg Pierce, Alisa Dix, and Michael Johnson.  And I'm at least a qualified fan of its namesake, quasi-"scientist" Wilhelm Reich, who specialized in the concentration of "orgone energy."  Or rather, I like WR: Mysteries of the Organism, Dusan Makavejev's wacky riff on Reich's standoff with a still rather prudish Cold War-era American legal system.  So I was quite pleasantly surprised to come across this website, which offers simple plans for "Radionic, Psionic, and Orgone machines" from parts you can buy at Radio Shack.  What a deal!  Apparently, they're "like psychic energy amplifiers," which can "make virtually any dream come true, just turn the dial and go!"  So why not "defy modern day science" on a bargain budget?  Here you see an "orgone accumulator,"  for concentrating orgone energy in your food.  Don't recall about the apple, but the shiraz was certainly saturated with the stuff.  Anyway, if you're more interested in the current whereabouts of the Orgone Cinema crowd, check out this NPR story on home movie day, featuring Greg, among many others.

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