Friday, January 20, 2006

Saturday, October 29, 2005: It's Time for The Place

Dcfc0008_7An unusually early morning.  Carrie has to be out of her old room by the end of October.  And because we leave for New York tomorrow, there's no putting it off any longer.  So we stuffed the last of her things into boxes, and wedged them into the car.  Wasn't really all that big a job, as she'd been taking small loads out all month.  And as a reward, Carrie shared a surprise breakfast venue with me.  We drove up the west side of the sound toward Evergreen for awhile.  And arrived at a quaint little diner called "The Place."  It had a homey slogan riffing on the name - reminding me of the echt-70s "old-fashioned" placards that used to hang in my family's old Tahoe cottage.  Unfortunately, I forgot to write it down.
Dcfc0011_3Carrie was pretty worn out, after working late Thursday and Friday.  Me too, as I'd been pulling late nights trying to catch up at work, in anticipation of missing a few days.
Dcfc0003_9Here you see me in my newly-purchased cowboy shirt.  Foolishly, I'd brought a mug of coffee along in the car.  And when we hit a bump, a good bit of it became a decoration on my t-shirt.  When we stopped at Dumpster Values to drop Carrie's stuff in her studio, she picked out the shirt, to cover the coffee stain.  Fits perfectly, and is very cool.  If a bit more dramatic than my usual.  Gingham (I think that's the right term) with little blue birds embroidered on it.  I think they're supposed to be American eagles (reflecting the color scheme).  But in all honestly, the better resemble the German eagle.  Achtung!

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