Monday, January 02, 2006

Saturday, October 1, 2005: Orgone Multiplier

Dcfc0003_7So, this Saturday I finally made it to the DMV on time.  Not so slow on the weekend as all that, hey?  Passed the written test missing only 3 (7 is the margin of error), and those inordinately technical (quick!  default speed limit in a WA city is 15, 20, 25, or 30 mph?).  Carrie was very patient, given how long it took.  And it was off for more lox and bagels at Otto's afterward.  Carrie insists that's the only place for that sort of thing in Olympia.  I'm a little skeptical.  But she knows better than I do.
Dcfc0006_3Here she is, shortly after consuming hers.  Apparently, I won't have any trouble converting her to at least one aspect of Jew-ness.
Dcfc0009_1And laughingly...
Dcfc0010_2...she agrees.

Dcfc0013_2So then, it was off next-door to the new studio, for some redecorating.  Which always means pawing through all your old, half-forgotten keepsakes.  Here you see two of Carrie's polaroids, the significance of which she explained, but which currently escapes me.
Dcfc0017_2And here she moves things about, while I happily snap photos.  In the background, you can see a letterpress poster for the Robert Beck Memorial Cinema, the film series I started with Bradley Eros way back in NYC.  The poster was made by Greg Pierce and Alisa Dix of the late, great Orgone Cinema & Archive in Pittsburgh, for a show we did at the Warhol Museum, though the good graces of Greg, who works there...
Dcfc0019_2The previous tenant left a couple fragments of a mirror.  Here's a self-portrait of myself, as reflected in one of them.  I like the shape (of the mirror fragment) very much.
Dcfc0023_2Carrie and I went across the "hall" to meet the neighbor, Perrin (pictured left), a close friend of the studio's previous tenant.  Carrie and Perrin spent a good spot perusing an astrology book, which I found generally mystifying.  Though it did have some lovely, Max Ernst-esque etching-collage illustrations.  Always a plus, I say.  The predictions were predictably vague, and open to interpretation.  I guess that's the point though.
Dcfc0028_1Afterward, off to the Safeway.  Where I got a creepy, too early reminder of the (quasi-)imminence of Halloween.  Which one you want lady?  It'll surely stink a month from now.
Dcfc0031Carrie was worn out, and ready to crash.  She was nodding off at the wheel when I got back to the car.  I caught this shot of her rubbing a cloud out of her eye.  Thought it most appropriate.  I drove home.

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