Monday, January 02, 2006

Saturday, September 24, 2005: The Lox & Cream Cheese Experience

Dcfc0005_3Ok, so Saturday morning.  Er, late morning.  Or rather early afternoon.  1pm.  Good time to wake up, anyway.
Dcfc0008_2Carrie attended to the windows, while I made coffee.  The plan was to make to the DMV today, so I could finally get a real driver's license.  And Carrie had to go too, so she could renew hers, which had expired on her birthday.
Dcfc0009I like the cool morning light of the Pacific Northwest.  It makes everything you look at even more beautiful than it started.  We drank the coffee slowly.  Carrie used up the last of her cream.  Means it's time to get another pint, I guess.  Looks like the DMV is open until 2:30.  So no hurry.  We have to go to the Lacey DMV.  Only because of me, because they don't do the brand-new stuff at the Olympia one.  And neither one of us has any idea where the dang thing is.  Carrie says that everything in Lacey is navigated in relation to the Fred Mayer (sorta like Longs).  Which sounds about right.
Dcfc0012_1So, on the way to the DWV we passed a very promising looking yard sale.  And suddenly I didn't really care about the whole license thing.  Because I was totally distracted.  Good thing, because by the time we arrived, only Carrie could accomplish what she wanted.  Although we got to the office at 1:55pm, I got nixed on taking the driver test, which stops at 2pm (I got to the counter at 2:05).  Oh well.  Don't really care.
Dcfc0013Nor does Carrie, who finds it really funny that I take so many pictures of her.  Including at the DMV.  Where pictures are officially verboten.  Why?  Don't ask.  It only gets 'em more pissed off.  I swear someone was eyeing me when I whipped out the camera for all of 30 seconds.  After I got the shaft at the DMV, we drove on back to the yard sale.  Where I started by finding a roll of S-8 VNF for $1 (with Forde processing!), an old Polaroid (the same exact model I gave to Tanya Barnard ages and ages ago - she's the one on the right) and a nice stack of LPs.  Now I just have to get a new record player.  Eventually I'll find the right one.

Dcfc0017Anyway, we went to the "Thriftway" as well.  A name I always find humorous, because the stores are so goddam expensive.  Spendthriftway perhaps.  Regardless, who was there but Nicholas Taplin, one of my favorite Olympia people, buying supplies as well.
Dcfc0019_1Carrie and I were sorta in a hurry, so we said hello and goodbye quicker than I woulda liked.  But I managed to grab a nice picture anyway.
Dcfc0023_1From the Thriftway we went to the food coop.  Or one of several?  Hell if I know.  Anyway, it was nice enough.  But way too much hippie business going on for my taste.  I was pleased to learn that Carrie felt more or less the same way.  But at least their cheese was borderline-reasonable.  Which is a serious issue issue, so long as you're planning on getting anything that actually tastes good.  My lord, NYC really does spoil you.
Dcfc0025Ok, so here's the capper.  We went to Otto's for dinner.  At which point Carrie informed me that she's never eaten lox before.  I found that a little shocking.  And resolved to effect a remedy.  Thank goodness, she was quite taken with the finest fish-product ever devised by mankind.  I let her have mine.  And the look on her face was well worth the sacrifice.

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