Monday, January 02, 2006

Tuesday, September 27, 2005: The Gimlet Brotherhood, Not Quite Halal

Dcfc0001_4Hardly slept at all last night.  But caught a few winks between 6 and 8am or so.  At least I finished the memo.  Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.  If you'd have asked me around 2am, I'd have been skeptical that was even a possibility.  As mentioned, I live above a BBQ joint (Red Top).  And the flying pig gargoyle outside my front window was fine reminder of that awful uncertainty...
Dcfc0002_2Anyway, I was a mess at work, on account of lack of sleep.  Just did as much research as possible for a pending case.  Then met Carrie for lunch.  Walking down Capitol Way we ran into Tracy again, pushing her bike.  She decided to walk with us.  Destination #1 was to Dumpster Values, to pay for the studio.  And then on to the Reef for lunch.  I was pretty punchy, and familiar (greasy, heavy) food was called for.  So there was no contest.  And Carrie was very gracious about it...
Dcfc0007_2Tracy parked her bike out front, and we headed inside.  She didn't lock it, which always surprises me.  And it's pretty common around here.  Ok, so she could see it from the counter.  But still.  And to think, she'd only just had a bike nicked from her friend's house.  And suspects the "bicycle bandit," a local tweaker with a shockingly ugly disposition.
Dcfc0001_1_2Anyway, after lunch it was back to work.  I left on the early side, and met Carrie for a happy hour drink at the Brotherhood.  It was gimlets for the both of us.  Though I don't think there was any Rose's in there.  Just plain lime juice.  Not that I was complaining...
Dcfc0002_1_1...they mix the drinks nice and strong at the Brotherhood...
Dcfc0003_1_2...and I stopped thinking about work entirely.  Thank God.

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