Friday, January 20, 2006

Monday-Wednesday, October 3-5, 2005: Besotted Detectives

Dcfc0002_1_2Um, so, big week for the Republic, same-old same-old for me.  Not that I'm complaining.  Lots of talk about the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers, &c.  I hope to say my piece.  So far as anyone cares.  But work dominates the beginning of this week, as it does most.  Still, you've got to go out.  And here, I'm out with Carrie.  She sure can take a picture when she puts her mind to it.
Dcfc0006_4Oh, and WORK indeed.  Here's a shot of the capitol as I walk up to it from Capitol Way.  You can see the Temple of Justice off to the right.  Pretty imposing...  And a lovely campus.  About the nicest any state could hope for.  Washington is pretty lucky in that respect.
Dcfc0008_4Met Carrie at the Spar for drinks on Wednesday after work.  They've got a hell of a special.  $2 per or something.  She was working at the studio all day.  And I was working for the judge.  We were both pretty fagged out.  This was quite the antidote.  And at the right price.  My lord.  I don't know how they do it.  The only issue is keeping 'em to a minimum.
Dcfc0010_3And then, in the face of landlord-adversity, Carrie took this picture.  More or less encapsulates my feelings about the situation.  Up-periscope and fire away.  Pain in the neck.  But it is a nice peephole.  And an aesthetically pleasing hall.

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